Úvodná stránka » Monitoring a úschova » Alarm Transfer Units

Alarm Transfer Unit Communication System

By Key-Innovations AB

Wireless Community Alert System

Fosters 'help-each other' culture

Reduces feeling of isolation

No Cables

No Monitoring Costs


Shopping Malls and Centres

In-Shop (Personal Attack Alarm)


Care Centres

Sheltered Housing

Distraction Burglary

Wire-free Alarm Transfer

How the ATU works


Two or usually more ATUs are installed where a person may require assistance from neighbours/
colleagues. When the alarm is raised, a pre-programmed message with the identity of the person
requiring help is transmitted to other ATUs in the same network. Inputs and Outputs connect to
alarm detectors and indicators

Self Learning Neural System – simple to set up.

The ATU creates its own identity and learns the identity of neighbouring ATUs – automatically
creating its own neural radio network. The identity and text message are set up using the buttons
on the ATU's facia.

Optional GSM ATU Relay Station.

Transmits GSM text to call for assistance from outside the network

Optional Alarm Transmission feature

Inputs and outputs for connection to: Alarm detectors, reed switches, Electronic Article Surveillance
systems, alarm sounders, fogging systems, door locks, fire-detection, event-cameras etc. Neural
system provides multi-level redundancy.

Repeater Units for long-range Applications

Factories, wire-free perimeter protection

ATU Applications

Shops and Shopping Centers

Lone-workers and cashiers needing help from neighbouring shops
In-shop Personal Attack alarm to back-office Instant delivery of alarms from EAS systems Alarms
from unattended areas
Wire-free door-open alarm (connected to Door-guard)


Teachers needing assistance from colleagues in other class rooms
Wire-free Alarm transfer between different buildings or premises
Alarm Transfer from surveillance cameras with video-motion detection
Wire-free door-open alarm

Care Centers, Hospitals

Doctors or nurses requiring assistance from a colleague(s)
Emergency door-open wire-free alarm communicator

Residents in High Crime Areas / Sheltered Housing

Residents requiring assistance from neighbours
Distraction Burglary Alarm to neighbours or police
Low-cost GSM signaling to ploice, neighbours or relatives

Clubs and Event Security

Door-guards and ticket staff requiring assistance
Emergency door-open alarm communicator


Top položky 

EAP Alarmpaket 

Extrtémne miniatúrny flexibilný farbiaci systém.
Jediným vysielačom riadený systém pre použitie v pokladniach a trezoroch

Použutie v bankách, poštách, maloobchode, čerpacích staniciach
Použitie aj s najmenším nominálom.



Cash Management a bezpečný úschovný systém.
Trezor, ktorý počíta.
Počíta, triedi a bezpečne uchováva bankovky.
100% detekcia falzifikátov (správy ECB a Bank of England).

IBP-ce s.r.o.