Ochrana bankomatov
Farbiaci systém na ochranu hotovosti v boxoch

Only a few minutes are enough for perpetrators to open ATMs (levering, welding etc.) and get access to the cash boxes.

EBS I stains the content with red colored smoke or ink when cash boxes will be removed unauthorized, so that the booty is useless for the perpetrator.

Usually the perpetrator gets immediately away from the smoking or ink stained booty because he has to expect that the money is useless and further effects of the system cannot be assessed.

Based on innovative fuel technology and most advanced microelectronics EBS I can easily be integrated into various cash boxes.

With EBS I the capacity of the cash boxes are retained in full.

Integrated into the daily workflow

No restriction of the capacity of the cash boxes

Ink / Smoke stains money perpetrator

Ink / Smoke devalue the booty

Ink / Smoke also usable in combination

Color smoke attracts the attention of witnesses – hampers the escape

Preventive effect by media reports of unsuccessful raids and arrested offenders

Preventive and deterrent effect in combination with stickers

Acts immediately and effectively



 NiroTanks pre
 atrament a/alebo dym


 Žiadne obmedzenie  kapacity boxov





Top položky 

EAP Alarmpaket 

Extrtémne miniatúrny flexibilný farbiaci systém.
Jediným vysielačom riadený systém pre použitie v pokladniach a trezoroch

Použutie v bankách, poštách, maloobchode, čerpacích staniciach
Použitie aj s najmenším nominálom.



Cash Management a bezpečný úschovný systém.
Trezor, ktorý počíta.
Počíta, triedi a bezpečne uchováva bankovky.
100% detekcia falzifikátov (správy ECB a Bank of England).

IBP-ce s.r.o.