Protection of Automatic Teller Machines (ATM) and safes
For perpetrators it often takes only a few minutes to rip out and take away ATMs/safes, as well as to get to the cash boxes or content of the safe by mechanical attempts to open them. EBS II prevents respectively significantly hampers the perpetrator to remove of further disrupt ATM/safe by siren noise and subsequently emitting dyeing smoke or security fog. The related attention of passers-by respectively residents destroys respectively reduces the logistical advantage of offenders towards the investigators. Siren noise attracts the attention of witnesses Dyeing smoke or security fog attracts the attention of passers-by respectively residents Massive emitting smoke or fog hampers the loading, transporting and further actions Preventive effect by media reports of unsuccessful raids and arrested offenders Preventive and deterrent effect in combination with stickers Acts immediately and effectively
EBS II or Security Fog
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