raid-safe Dropsafe

Time delay drop safe with electronic time lock

raid-safe™, is a time delay electronic drop safe designed to minimise the cash available to the raider.

raid-safe™ is designed as an effective low-cost deterrent for retailers and provides the retailer with a high level of cash security that is easy to use and install.

Manufactured to the highest quality, the safe is constructed using the latest laser cutting technology








External terminal enable a new battery to be held in place to power the locking mechanism in the event that the internal battery runs out when the door locked closed.

raid-safe™ features an electronic 6-digit key code time lock, making the safe easy to use and eliminates the need for keys. 

raid-safe™ is also equipped with an effective anti-fish mechanism to prevent the cash from being removed through the deposit-slot.

Designed to suit retail environments raid-safe™ is fixed through the back and base using heavy duty expanding bolts. raid-safe™ does not require a power source other than its own self-contained battery.


Usually raid-safe™ will be installed under the counter, below the till. Any cash above level is posted through the deposit-slot keeping the cash available to the raider at a minimum.

At the end of trading key-code is entered and repeated after a preset time to open the safe.

The cash can then be banked or stored in the main safe. raid-safe™ is then locked ready for use the following day.

Main Features

Electronic keypad

Possible time delay (1 min, 5 min, 10 min, 20 min)

Minimizes the access to open available cash

No key management necessary with electronic keypad

Less than 1mm space around door, to prevent forcing

Drop safe with „Anti-fish“ mechanism

Internal battery supply

Secure mounting (heavy duty expanding bolts)


Effective raid deterrent

Low cost

No keys

Easy to use


Top položky 

EAP Alarmpaket 

Extrtémne miniatúrny flexibilný farbiaci systém.
Jediným vysielačom riadený systém pre použitie v pokladniach a trezoroch

Použutie v bankách, poštách, maloobchode, čerpacích staniciach
Použitie aj s najmenším nominálom.



Cash Management a bezpečný úschovný systém.
Trezor, ktorý počíta.
Počíta, triedi a bezpečne uchováva bankovky.
100% detekcia falzifikátov (správy ECB a Bank of England).

IBP-ce s.r.o.