Tracer-dots mikročiastočky
Systém rozptyľujúci mikročiastočky Unikátny spôsob na jednoznačné priradenie nájdených dôkazov
Tracer-dots, micro dot dispersal system, allow the simple assignment of marked money and clothing or found micro dot to the specific origin of the branch robbed.
At low cost without chemical analysis You only need a pocket microscope to make an immediate analysis of the evidence.
Tracer-dots available with the following systems: Smokenote Smokenote Express Smokepack Express
Further possibilities for micro particles application, e.g. for protection and marking of vehicles or valuables please refer to Property Marking. Podrobné informácie o systéme sú k dispozícii na vyžiadanie, nie je možné ich zverejniť.
priemer 0,3 mm
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